At Mid Coast Outreach, we offer a variety of Services to suit different age groups, all ethnicity groups and changing personal circumstances.
We are here to help the community, not for our own benefit. If you'd like to find out more...
‘Fresh Food Fridays’
We hand out over 40 hampers of essential foods each week with a ‘gold coin’ donation.
Sourced via Second Bite, Foodbank and Midcoast Outreach Inc.
Includes a weekly catch up call.
Buddy System
If you are feeling lonely we can match you with one of our volunteers for weekly chats over the phone or when dropping into our offices.
If things are not going great and you need some help, but not sure who, how, when or why?
Mid Coast Outreach can help to direct you to Government and non-government organizations.
We can help you keep up to date with any grants particular to your unique circumstances.
Time Out
If you are impacted by disasters and need some time out, call in for a listening ear, coffee and a chat or use our library and client lounge.
Youth Services
Coming soon!
When available college students completing time placement.
Free internet and computers
For those impacted by disasters and any client who is isolated needing access to technology and printing have free use of equipment at our office.
Tag and Testing
On Thursday and Fridays our volunteer Tag and tester is available for a small fee to tag and test your electrical items.
Op Shop
Our Op Shop is open!
We look forward to welcoming you to shop safely for clothing, accessories and jewellery, household items and furniture.
Opening hours
9.00am-4.00pm (Mon-Fri)
9.00am-1.00pm (Saturday)
Closed Sunday
Our shop is ready to receive your donations. Head to our DONATE page.
Bush Library
No borrowing timelines for bushfire homeless and disaster impacted clients.
We include musical instruments & games.
Free washing machine available at head office.
Flood Impacted?
We have donated goods at hand and available upon request . For registration call in and give us a call.
Connecting You With Government and Non Government departments
We can keep you up to date and link you with the latest information from these departments.
Opening outposts in remote or non serviced areas offering all mentioned.
Buladelah now open.
More opening soon.
The Garden Exchange
Call in have coffee, exchange ideas, produce, seeds, plants and flowers.
Help build a registry building resilience in MNC LGA through disasters
Start an exchange near you.
SES Community Volunteer Programme
Midcoast Outreach together with the Northern area and Wingham SES Unit identified a communication problem in disaster preparedness.
We now have street wardens and a central communicator that keep the Mid Coast LGA informed and the streets of Wingham safe.
Community feedback is then passed onto the SES.
Community Programmes Needed
Midcoast Outreach identifies community problems and finds some form of solution during crises.
For example, the Capturing Water Project were the generously donated tanks need to be filled by those impacted by fires.
Through Spanline and Aussieports and Outreach sourced an affordable high quality carport and guttering to provide outside shelter and capture water.